Teen Sex and Relationships


Teens and sex, sex and teens; that's all we hear about these days. Sexuality is only one aspect of a teenager's life. We need to begin looking at the teen as a whole person. At times we overdo the sex talk and end up boring our kids out of listening. "I've heard all this stuff before!" they complain. We need to begin to focus on teen's sexuality as a part of their everyday lives. Sometimes making such a big deal out of it turns them away from the very important messages they need to hear. Visit us to know moreabout Gloucester Escort.

We talk about encouraging teens to wait, to use birth control, to think about if they are ready to raise a child on their own as a result of the sex act, but rarely do we spend time talking about the emotional impact of the sex act; especially if this is a first love. When schools teach teens about raising a child, it is good to pair the teens up so that they can also practice the relationship of parents. It is important to learn how to have a mature relationship with someone of the opposite sex. Not just about having sex.

What does it really mean to fall in love with someone? What kinds of other things are involved in a mutual relationship? These are the kinds of questions we should be dealing with as well as talking about sex. They should be taught about the responsibility of creating a child. The only thing being taught today is "have sex because it feels good."

Here are two situations where sexual behavior is most likely:

1. Parties where alcohol is served and the temptation is great.

2. Being alone with the opposite sex.

As adults, parents, youth workers, we need to suit our teens up with acceptable responses to peers who have asked for sex and who are pressuring. We need to practice these responses with our teens so they will be comfortable saying them to peers with conviction. This is where church youth programs, after school programs, and parents can get involved. All of the above situations can be rehearsed during youth programs with individuals the teens trust. Appropriate relationship building can also be taught. Adults need to get involved in the lives of teens so that teens can have more adult role models and opportunities to seek out adults who will listen and give encouragement.