Become The Star of Your Own Internet Radio Show, It Will Add to Your Brand
The ultimate in branding of ones business can find its genesis in hosting an internet radio show. The reason why hosting an internet radio show is a great platform is because more and more people are tuning in to listen to some amazing host deliver incredible value on internet radio shows. Tune to RadioGospel Mix for ad free latest hits.
Four years ago I entertained the thoughts of hosting my very own live talk radio show and contacted a few local stations in the Washington, DC area, however the only option open was a 30 minute platform, filled with commercials. In other words, if I interviewed a guest there would only be 15 minutes of actual dialogue taking place.
I did not give up on my quest to host a radio show and one day while surfing the internet I saw a link to an internet radio show hosted by Blog Talk Radio. My inquisitive mind moved me to prompt on the link and lo and behold, I decided to give Blog Talk Radio a try.
One of the reasons I decided to start a live talk radio show was to enhance my brand. I also conducted research and discovered more and more corporations, associations, government agencies and educational institutions were using the internet radio platform to get their message out.
Even President Barack Obama has been interviewed on Blog Talk Radio and a host of incredible entrepreneurs, actors, actresses, music artist, best-selling authors and self help experts. As you can see, internet radio is on the rise and terrestrial stations are on the decline because technology is outpacing traditional radio stations in local communities throughout America.
One of the most important decisions to make when deciding on hosting a live radio show is to select an online radio platform to host your show. For example, from the start I selected Blog Talk Radio because they offered a free platform which provides limited monthly hosting opportunities, however the only thing you need is an internet connection and a phone.
To get started you simply go to Blog Talk Radio, decided on what topic you want to focus your show on, upload the content page, add a few pictures that relate to what you are going to talk about and give your show a name and start scheduling your show to go live on the air.
As I mentioned before, I started my live talk radio show over four years ago and the first person I interviewed was a friend of mind who is a real estate investor. Why a real estate investor?
Great question and I will explain why a real estate investor was my first guest. The name of my Blog Talk Radio Show is The Wealthy Speaker Show, thus as a producer and host, I want to ensure I bring guest on my show who can add value to my listeners and fans.
The Wealthy Speaker Show is about providing a comprehensive look at a multiplicity of ways a person is wealthy, such as good health, well being, friendship, family, and unlimited opportunities as shared by guest experts.
Another important point to understand about hosting an online radio show with Blog Talk Radio, is the fact you can go to your show account, log in, dial into your account and open your studio right on your computer. Today I have a paid account, meaning I pay a monthly fee and this gives me more options when broadcasting, such as being able to call guest from my switchboard, I am able to bring in listeners who call in with questions for my guest,and or make comments live during the show and or in the web chat room in my studio.
The ultimate in branding of ones business can find its genesis in hosting an internet radio show. The reason why hosting an internet radio show is a great platform is because more and more people are tuning in to listen to some amazing host deliver incredible value on internet radio shows. his publicist to interview him on the day his new booked launched and it sent my ratings through the roof.